Vue Form Generator
Vue Form Generator is a schema-based form generator component for Vue.js. Using this component creating forms will be a breeze.
- multiple objects editing
- 19 built-in field types
- built-in validators
- Bootstrap friendly templates
- Validators
- and more...
To use it, you have to provide a schema with an array of the fields you need and the model you want to bind with the form. Additional, you can provide some options.
The supported fields
- text - Simple text input field
- email - E-mail address input field
- password - Password input field
- number - Number input field
- textArea - Text area field
- checkbox - Checkbox for boolean values
- select - Select list
- color - Color picker (built-in HTML5 control)
- checklist - Checkbox list to select multiple values
- range - Range slider (built-in HTML5 control)
- image - Image select field (URL or upload in base64 string)
- label - Static text (e.g. timestamp, creation time...etc)
- switch - Switch field (toggle two values (on/off, yes/no, active/inactive)
<h1 class="text-center">Demo Form</h1>
<div class="container" id="app">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">Form</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<vue-form-generator :schema="schema"
new Vue({
el: "#app",
components: {
"vue-form-generator": VueFormGenerator.component
data: {
model: {
name: "John Doe",
password: "J0hnD03!x4",
email: "[email protected]",
status: true
schema: {
fields: [ {
type: "text",
label: "Name",
model: "name",
readonly: false,
featured: true,
required: true,
disabled: false,
placeholder: "User's name",
validator: VueFormGenerator.validators.string
}, {
type: "password",
label: "Password",
model: "password",
min: 6,
required: true,
hint: "Minimum 6 characters",
validator: VueFormGenerator.validators.string
}, {
type: "email",
label: "E-mail",
model: "email",
placeholder: "User's e-mail address",
}, {
type: "switch",
label: "Status",
model: "status",
multi: true,
default: true,
textOn: "Active",
textOff: "Inactive"
formOptions: {
validateAfterLoad: true,
validateAfterChanged: true
The above example will generate this form:
Notice how easily vue-form-generator validates the desired fields, email
and strings
, using validator:
Currently, it comes with a set of handy validators such as email
, string
, number
, date
, and more.
You can view a more detailed usage example on JSFiddle.
If you are interested in using vue-form-generator take a look at the documentation. The source code is available on GitHub.